"For my name will be great among the nations, from the rising of the sun to its setting." Malachi 1:11

Monday, July 6, 2009

July: Pastor Fakudze and Vovovo Baptist Church

Below you will find this month's feature church. It is our prayer that this will increase and strengthen their prayer support, AND at the same time give you "eyes" to see who they are and an avenue to pray specifically for them as a church.

We are asking each of our pastors to share THEIR story, along with their vision for their church and community, and specific prayer requests. We will continue to feature a different church each month.

Church Name: Vovovo Baptist Church
Location: Vovovo, Swaziland
Pastor’s Name: Makhosi Fakudze

Pastor’s Testimony:

Pastor Fakudze came from an unchurched family in the Phuzumoya area of Swaziland. In 1988, Phuzumoya Baptist Church was started by Pastor Sigwane, and it was here that he first heard about Christ. Soon after that he heard God's call to accept Christ as his personal Savior. Later he became the youth leader there and also worked in the National Youth Committee in the Baptist Convention of Swaziland. In 2002, Phuzumoya Baptist Church started an outreach group in the Vovovo area. Soon after that a church was started, and he became their pastor. They have been faithfully meeting in a homestead ever since.

If you would like to pray for Pastor Fakudze and Vovovo Baptist Church, here are some of their specific needs and requests.

Prayer needs of the church:
They have acquired land from the village and are in the process of building a church structure which is still in need of a floor, roof, doors, and windows. They are praying that they will be able to finish the structure soon because the attendance of the church is more than the homestead can continue to handle.

Pastor’s vision for church:
The vision that God has given Pastor Fakudze is to continue to win the lost to Christ, and to reach out to the many widows and orphans that are in his community, meeting both their physical and spiritual needs.

Please also pray for their encouragement as they trust that God will continue to meet their needs and strengthen their walk daily.

1 comment:

  1. I just received word today that THIS will be the church where I will serve in the coming weeks. THIS is the pastor which we will stand side-by-side serving the children. On a whim, I "googled" the church, laughing at myself for thinking that a "website" would be set up in a place of such great need. Instead, I found your prayers...

    How great is our God? :)
